'If my personal trainer is reading this, don't tell him what I'm doing in Leeds this weekend...'

Jordan Odu with personal trainer 'Hush'Jordan Odu with personal trainer 'Hush'
Jordan Odu with personal trainer 'Hush'
PR powerhouse and fruity shirt connoisseur, Pink Gorilla's Jordan Odu, has swapped bottomless brunch and cocktails for hardcore training sessions with a maniac PT this month.

Is this too much to ask from the man whose profession by design includes obligatory partying? City Buzz decided to collar him to find out if he’s been cheating…

So, people have been complaining about the so-called Beast from the East this last few weeks, but I can assure you that a little bit of snow has got nothing on my Personal Trainer, Hush.

He’s an absolute machine, like the Terminator.

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I’ve only just begun my 12-week training and transformation programme at Snap Fitness, and his punishing schedule has reduced me to a quivering hot mess several times.

Anyone that knows me will tell you that I can lift drinks all night long, but weights and barbells are a big no-no.

They say that what you eat is even more important than training, and so I’ve been battling my crippling addiction to Haribos and Mini Eggs by switching them out for Predator Nutrition’s Chocolate Fudge Protein Shake. It’s a pretty darn tasty replacement, but time will tell if it can keep me away from the sugary treats which will be winking at me over Easter – wish me luck.

Gastro treats

The only thing keeping me going is the hot beach bod I’m looking to attain just in time for the Love International festival in Croatia. The aim is to rock up looking like Love Island’s Chris Hughes, but it could be more Chris Moyles at the rate I’m going – especially with all the gastro treats and shiny new spring menus popping up everywhere in Leeds right now.